Molly has been enamored with the craft of photography from a young age. Working as a prop stylist enables her to help interpret ideas with practical mediums so that they come to life through the camera. She aims to elevate concepts and construct authentic images.
Client List
A&E Adidas Amazon Amazon Kindle Amp’d Mobile Benefit Cosmetics Bing Brooks Bust Magazine Columbia Sportswear Converse Coors CW-X Drip Drop Ford Fortune Magazine Friedrich AC Game Crazy
HBO Health Magazine Herbal Essences iShares Jalyn Keen Libby’s Men’s Health Magazine More Magazine Nike Northwest Film & Video Festival Norton Antivirus ODS Old Spice Oregon Lottery Paulson Coletti Progressive Insurance Reebok |
Scientific American
Seattle International Film Festival Sierra Designs Smart Money Magazine Smoke-free Washington Sonic Sorel Starbucks TaylorMade TEDx Tillamook Cheese T-Mobile UnTattoo Parlor USA Pears Velveeta You Tube |